Thursday, May 7, 2015


Now that you have your midterm grade sheets, you can get a good idea of where you currently stand. The four midterm drawings were worth 400 possible points, and you have completed 5 homework assignments. Add the midterm grades and the four best of the five homework grades, then divide by 500... Voila! Your current average.

If you are concerned that your grade is too low, you can do extra work to help strengthen your grade. This extra credit work is due by Thursday, June 4. You may do them multiple times to build up points. Here are the options:

Choose a gallery or museum to visit on your own time and write about your experience. You might write about works of art that you love or works that you don’t like at all. Give me an honest response. Let me know why you chose to go to that gallery/museum, and give me specifics on what’s there so I’ll know that you really did go. And/or bring a brochure that proves that you were there. Your response should be typed, 12 pt font, single spaced, minimum of one page, with no grammatical errors.

*Worth up to 25 points, same as a homework grade

Watch a movie about art and/or artists or designers. Have fun with the format -- pretend that you are a film critic working for the L.A. Times. Write a complete and thorough response to the film, and tell me whether I should see it or not. Give it a critic’s rating (Like thumbs up, 3 stars, or whatever method of rating that you come up with.) Your review should be typed, 12 pt font, single spaced, with no grammatical errors.

Some suggestions (but there are plenty more out there):
FRIDA                                     CRUMB
BASQUIAT                              ARTEMESIA          
VINCENT & THEO                     GOYA EN BORDEAUX
POLLOCK                                FUR

*Worth up to 25 points, same as a homework grade

3) FIND A DRAWER (Drawer = someone who draws. Not the thing you put socks in.)
Look in art magazines (print or online) and find a contemporary artist who DRAWS. Research that artist and find multiple examples of their work. Then write about how YOU respond to their work. Do not write a biography of the artist – it doesn’t matter when they were born or where they went to school. Just look at their drawings and write what YOU think about them, purely opinion. Include a list of sources, where you went to see the images. If you quote any facts, you must use proper endnote/footnote citation. But you shouldn’t quote facts. Because this is your opinion. Your response should be typed, 12 pt font, single spaced, minimum of one page, with no grammatical errors.

*Worth up to 25 points, same as a homework grade