Sunday, February 1, 2015

Optional Midterm Out-of-Class Drawing

Hi Students!

At this point, if you have attended all classes, you should have at least one of each of the following drawings we worked on in class:

Complex contour
Curved still life
Paper Airplanes (in class Feb. 2 & 4)

On Monday, February 9, I will take up FOUR drawings to grade. The four drawings you submit are your choice from the ones above. The grading criteria:

25% proportions (accuracy of height/width/length)
25% line quality and/or shading (lines should be elegant and fluid; shading should be gradual with a range of light and dark values)
25% composition (size and placement on the page)
25% presentation (condition of the paper, cleanliness, professionalism)

If you don't have four drawings that you are happy with, you may do this optional assignment to substitute for one of the above.

Look at this Leonardo da Vinci drawing of drapery. On your good drawing paper, in either charcoal or graphite, make a realistic copy of that drawing. Your drawing should have accurate proportions and the shading should match the photo -- this is NOT a contour line drawing, so no heavy outlines. Yes, this will be challenging, so budget your time and go slowly.

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