Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Your Final Portfolio of four drawings is due on Wednesday, March 11. If you are unhappy with the work you are doing in class, you may do this assignment to be submitted for a grade in lieu of one that we work on in class.

Below is a classical statue of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a Roman general and architect. Do a faithful and accurate drawing of the statue using either charcoal or graphite. You may choose to tone the paper or not... there is no right or wrong way to approach this drawing, but if you choose to do it you will be graded on:

1) Composition (don't crop! Fit the whole figure on the page)
2) Value (no dark outlines, use only value to define the shapes and edges)
3) Proportions (your figure should be as accurate as possible, including all minor details)
4) Presentation (cleanliness of paper, condition of paper)

And for inspiration, here are some examples of a similar project from Thomas More College:

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